5G: Build it, but will they come?
5G has got a bit of marketing problem. Depending on who you ask, it's either a revolution happening in the telecommunications space or a load of hot air!
Networking kit has never been so divisive, whether it's fear-mongering vandals tearing down cell towers, rumours about governmental espionage, or skepticism about the astronomical costs of implementation. So, is 5G worth the hassle?
5G has got a bit of marketing problem. Depending on who you ask, it's either a revolution happening in the telecommunications space or a load of hot air!
Networking kit has never been so divisive, whether it's fear-mongering vandals tearing down cell towers, rumours about governmental espionage, or skepticism about the astronomical costs of implementation. So, is 5G worth the hassle?
Today, host Michael Bird is joined by HPE Chief Technologists Chris Dando, a fervent 5G evangelist, and skeptic Matt Armstrong-Barnes. We discover the true value of super-fast data transfer from New York Times Creative Technologist Jimmy Chion. Plus, Nokia's Leslie Shannon drops some truth bombs about the real potential of those much-maligned millimetre waves.
The long show notes for this episode can be found here: https://community.hpe.com/t5/HPE-Blog-UK-Ireland/5G-Build-it-but-will-they-come-Technology-Untangled/ba-p/7121955#.YDStO-imOUk
The long show notes for this episode can be found here: https://community.hpe.com/t5/HPE-Blog-UK-Ireland/5G-Build-it-but-will-they-come-Technology-Untangled/ba-p/7121955#.YDStO-imOUk