Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 in total

Can international collaboration help to fight cybercrime?

We’ve spoken before on this podcast about cyber security and protecting yourself from cyber crime - but what is being done to tackle the phenomenon internationally? Th...

Can you make AI sustainable?

In this episode we are looking at the challenges AI technology faces when it comes to becoming, and then remaining sustainable.The benefits of AI are unquestionable: f...

The future of storage tech: Can the tech of the past influence the tech of tomorrow?

In this episode, we’re taking a look at how the explosion in our demand for data storage has led to needing more capacity than ever before, and whether long-vanished i...

Is technology changing the way we speak?

In this episode, we'll explore how technology is changing the way we communicate. But much more than that, we're going to be looking at how it's actually changing our ...

Connectivity in sports: How are connectivity and bandwidth creating the venues of the future?

Sports and data are closely intertwined – and that’s especially true for spectators. So how can data, analytics, IoT and connectivity create better experiences fans? I...

Routes into STEM – Could apprenticeships solve the tech talent crunch?

Routes into STEM – Could apprenticeships solve the tech talent crunch?There’s an acute shortage of candidates for tech jobs – in fact, research suggests tens of millio...

AI in Healthcare: Are we ready for data to examine us?

You've heard it from us before on this podcast, but we'll say it again. AI is transforming our world.Depending on which market research you look at, AI in healthcare i...

Exascale: Are we ready for the next generation of supercomputers?

The dawn of the exascale computer has arrived. In May 2022, a computer named Frontier was switched on at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the USA. At well over twi...

Keeping the lights on part 2: How do we optimize our energy usage?

The world’s energy supply is in a state of flux. Australian coal is being bought up by China faster than it can be mined, Europe is coming to terms with Russian gas be...

Keeping the lights on part 1: How do we make more energy?

The world is in a state of flux when it comes to energy production. Australian coal is being bought up by China as fast as it can be mined, Europe is coming to terms w...

Can technology help to rebuild after disasters?

2022 saw 421 registered natural disasters worldwide, including floods, drought, famine and earthquakes. It also saw new or escalating conflicts in Sudan, Syria and Ukr...

Unconscious Bias: Is AI dividing us?

Bad AI is becoming a major headache for organizations. Tech is a male-dominated sphere, which means that it produces, inherently, male-skewed AI driven by unconsciousl...

Welcome to Technology Untangled: Season 4 Trailer

Welcome to season four of Technology Untangled from Hewlett Packard Enterprise. A new series means a new format, so join your hosts - yes, plural - Michael Bird and Au...

Big Data: More than just a number?

We hear a lot about Big Data. But what does it actually mean? Is it, quite simply, lots of data? Or is there more to it than that? Spoiler alert, there is. A lot more....

Ransomware Attacks: Should we be worried?

Cyber Security is big business. In fact, it's estimated to be worth $160 billion. But that's likely to be peanuts compared to the value of cyber crime, which is estima...

Lessons from 2022: Turning challenges into opportunities

2022 has not been a straightforward year. A war in Ukraine has seen the world divided and global energy and food supplies disrupted. International tensions between Chi...

Autonomous vehicles: Are we steering in the right direction?

Autonomous vehicles are a hot topic. Their incredible ability – and at times lack of it – is a source of controversy as much as a source of wonder, from avoidable cras...

World poverty: Is technology the great leveller?

Since 1990, the global rates of extreme poverty have gone from around 40% to around 10%. However, progress is slowing, and 710 million people around the world still li...

World hunger: Can technology help feed the world?

Ending World Hunger by 2030 is one of the UN’s Key Sustainable Development Goals, announced in 2015. We’re now half way to the final milepost, but estimates still put ...

Technology in Sport: A race against the machine?

Professional sport is a world where individuals can earn as much as a decent-sized business, and teams have evolved to become multi-national corporations. And where th...

The cloud: Is hybrid the answer?

The Cloud has become a backbone of the world economy over the last decade, powering everything from streaming services to mobile banking. It’s a fantastic resource, bu...

The cloud: How far is too far?

The Cloud has become a backbone of the world economy over the last decade, powering everything from streaming services to mobile banking. It’s a fantastic resource, bu...

Coming soon: Technology Untangled Series 3

‘Friendly’ autonomous vehicles, satellites plotting food supplies, hybrid cloud, hyperscalers, skeletal scanning, ransomware, Virtual Referees, Technological Doping, B...

2021 Untangled: Are things remotely normal yet?

2021 has been a year marked by new and continuing challenges worldwide. Coronavirus and travel restrictions have been joined by supply chain shortages in many industri...

Series 2: What have we learned?

This series has been a wild ride! We've spoken to some of enterprise tech's brightest brains this season, and one thing they weren't short of was opinions! Innovation ...

Mission to Mars: How far can we push the edge?

In space, there's no room for error and no time for hesitancy. Astronauts depend on crucial communications from mission control just to stay alive. But the further you...

Virtual Reality: AR you seeing this?

Who needs reality? VR has placed fantasy kingdoms, alien planets, and more just a headset away, and AR is allowing us to augment the physical world through our smartph...

Quantum Computing: Superposition or qubit too far?

Quantum computing is enigmatic, thrilling, and almost impenetrable from the outside. If you're not a scientist or a mathematician, it's easy to get swept up in the hyp...

Blockchain: What is it good for?

Thanks to the perfect storm of slow news cycles, big marketing budgets, and Elon Musk's tweets, blockchain has been hyped beyond belief... and it's also been made way ...

Energy Innovation: Time to stop idling?

Global leaders are determined to combat climate change and lead the planet to "net zero". But how can energy-hungry organizations find real solutions in technology, wh...

Hewlett Packard Enterprise