World poverty: Is technology the great leveller?

Since 1990, the global rates of extreme poverty have gone from around 40% to around 10%. However, progress is slowing, and 710 million people around the world still live in extreme poverty - currently earning below $1.90 per day. So how can technology help? In this episode, we’ll be meeting some of the people and organisations aiming to eradicate poverty through the use of technology.
Since 1990, the global rates of extreme poverty have gone from around 40% to around 10%, and ending World Poverty entirely by 2030 is one of the UN’s Key Sustainable Development Goals, announced in 2015. However, progress is slowing, and 710 million people around the world still live in extreme poverty - currently earning below $1.90 per day. So how can technology help? In this episode, we’ll be meeting some of the people and organisations aiming to eradicate poverty through the use of technology. 

The long show notes for this episode can be found here:
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