Welcome to Technology Untangled: Season 4 Trailer

Aubrey Lovell (00:03):
Hello, and welcome to the trailer for season four of Technology Untangled from Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

Michael Bird (00:10):
A new series means a new format. So we're your hosts, yes hosts, Michael Bird and Aubrey Lovell.

Aubrey Lovell (00:17):
Every two weeks we cover a new topic, which explores the rapid evolution of technology and unravels the way it's changing our world.

Michael Bird (00:31):
Coming up in this season, we'll be looking at topics such as bias in AI.

Anjana Susarla (00:37):
Bias in AI comes from essentially three different things. One is, what is the data that has been used to train the artificial intelligence? Second issue is how the models themselves have been trained. The third bias comes from people deciding to use the outputs from AI in some prejudicial fashion.

Aubrey Lovell (01:00):
We'll also be looking at the rise of exoscale computing and its significance.

Doug Kothe (01:04):
So in an exoscale computer, you have tens of millions of parts. So one huge challenge is just designing the computer and architecting it in a way that it can actually boot up and run. That's been a tremendous challenge.

Michael Bird (01:21):
We'll also be diving deep into healthcare. And the ways in which tech is transforming the way we are treated.

Andy Cachaldora (01:28):
Actually, how diagnostics is and AI is being used now is more around the prevention. So can we use AI to predict whether that's genomic sequencing. Or looking at historic data and looking for clinical signatures to identify, "Hey, this patient's already potentially at risk of having some form of disease." Then as a result of that survival should for patients massively improve.

Aubrey Lovell (01:52):
And of course, so much more. Technology Untangled is available on all major podcasting platforms. Subscribe so you don't miss out, and join us on our journey.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise